The Aurora Arsenal Soccer Club, a non-profit organization, was founded in 1975. Its purpose then was to provide recreation in the Town of Aurora for post high school men, 18 to 25 years of age, as well to be a spectator sport for any age group.
Since those early days, the scope and size of the Arsenal program has expanded considerably, while maintaining the central tenet of providing recreational opportunities through youth soccer leagues in East Aurora. It remains a totally volunteer organization, dedicated to providing a safe, healthy environment in which children can learn teamwork and sportsmanship, while playing the world's most popular sport. In 2013, we served approximately 1,000 children and young adults, ranging in age from 5 through 19, making us one of the largest clubs in Western New York. Almost 700 of our children play on over 50 House League teams, which focus on basic soccer skills in a non-competitive environment. Our Travel program has grown to a record 18 teams, competing at every age level in the Buffalo and Western New York Junior Soccer League (B&WNYJSL).
The Arsenal Board of 8 members, along with other dedicated volunteers, work each spring and throughout the year to handle the tasks associated with running this large program. This includes registration, ordering equipment and uniforms, lining the fields, conducting tryouts, organizing teams, scheduling games, and so on. The Arsenal 'founding fathers' may not have anticipated the explosive growth of soccer in East Aurora, but they laid a solid foundation on which the program has been able to build successfully for almost thirty years. With the same community support and dedication, we expect and hope that the next thirty years will be just as successful as the last.